THE DEATH OF GARCIA LORCA by José Antonio Rial. Directed and Lighting design by Carlos Gimenez. Presented by Joseph Papp. The First New York International Festival of the Arts, New York, June 11 to July 11,1988


Directed by Carlos Gimenez

Lighting design by Mr. Gimenez

Presented by Joseph Papp 

Translated by Julio Marzan
Scenery and costume design by Rafael Reyeros

Associate producer, Jason Steven Cohen

At the Public/Anspacher Theater, 425 Lafayette Street.



Mario Arrambide

Sara Erde,

Kevin Gray

Gonzalo Madurga

Joseph Palmas

Jorge Luis Ramos

Emilio Del Pozo

Cesar Evora

Margarita Irun

Roberto Medina

Tim Perez

Judith Roberts

Bernard White

Herbert Duarte

Patricia Falkenhain

Maria Cristina Lozada

Rene Moreno,

Lionel Pina

Al Rodriguez

Original Source: The New York Times
Photos: Marta Swope

Left to Right: Joseph Papp, José Antonio Rial, Carlos Giménez

Left to rigth: María Cristina Lozada,  Carlos Giménez, Margarita Irún,
César Evora,

Margarita Irún, Cesar Evora,

María Cristina Lozada.

Margarita Irún, María Cristina Lozada, José Antonio Rial.

"Eden is coming to the Apple. The Big Apple, that is. New York City will become a garden of original art this summer with performances of never-before- seen works gracing The First New York International Festival of the Arts.

The festival, which has been years in the planning, will bring together the world`s foremost performing artists for a monthlong celebration of 20th century creativity, June 11 to July 11. Much of what those artists present will be new to the city, the country or the world.
``We`ve tried to give a bird`s-eye view of the century,`` said Tony Rudel, the festival`s deputy director for music. ``It`s amazing what the world has done in 88 years.``
The festival, which has been years in the planning, will bring together the world`s foremost performing artists for a monthlong celebration of 20th century creativity, June 11 to July 11. Much of what those artists present will be new to the city, the country or the world.

 (...) Carlos Gimenez, artistic director of Venezuela`s Grupo Rajatabla, will stage The Death of Garcia Lorca with a cast of fellow Latin Americans."

By Caroly Jack
May 1, 1988

 Margarita Irún
 Rajatabla 20 años, de Blanca Sánchez y David Rojas